Mob: 7569572336
NABH Accredition
We have received the most prestigious accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH)for maintaining standards and rendering quality and affordable dental care and practices to the patients.
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers(NABH)
JJ Dental Clinic is now accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH), the highest recognition for quality patient care and safety in India thereby joining the league of very few NABH accredited Dental Clinics in India. Confidence in accreditation is obtained by a transparent system of control over the accredited Dental Facility and an assurance given by the accreditation body that the accredited Dental Facility constantly fulfills the accreditation criteria. NABH provides accreditation to Dental Facility in a non-discriminatory manner regardless of their ownership, legal status, size and degree of independence. The applicant Dental Facility must have conducted self-assessment against NABH standards after implementing for at least 3 months before submission of application and must ensure that it complies with NABH Standards.
The Award of NABH Accreditation means the organisation ensures:-
Commitment to create a culture of quality, patient safety, efficiency and accountability towards patient care.
Establishment of protocol and policies as per National/International standards for patient care, medication management ,consent process, patient safety, clinical outcomes, medical records, infection control and staffing.
Patent is treated with Respect, Dignity and courtesy all time.
Patient is involved in care planning and decision making.
Patient is treated by qualified and trained staff.
Transparency in billing and availability of tarrif list.
Continuous monitoring of its services for improvement.
Commitment to prevent adverse events that may occur.